Academy Day 2024: Living Healthy in Cities – Living in Healthy Cities

Visit our booth on November 6 2024 from 1:15-3:30 pm at the Leibniz Park in the BBAW!

The Academies Day is an annual jointly hosted event of the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities and this year takes an interdisciplinary look at the interactions between cities and health.

The construction industry accounts for a very large proportion of global resource consumption, energy consumption, waste generation and CO2 emissions, which in turn has a negative impact on the health of the urban population. Sustainable construction is therefore a necessary condition for healthy cities.

In order to exchange ideas with the public about the links between healthy cities and sustainable building, the IAG is hosting a dialogue station in "Leibniz Park" at the BBAW with an interactive and discussion-stimulating programme. For example, the public can take part in a live opinion poll and memory game, or get to know and touch new innovative building materials such as infra-lightweight concrete and carbon, or alternatic classics such as timber or clay. We will also be setting up a "complaint box" where house builders, landlords and tenants can give their feedback on the obstacles to sustainable building and living.

You can find us on November 6 2024 from 1:15-3:30 pm at the Leibnizsaal of the BBAW in the Jägerstraße 22-23, 10117 Berlin.

You can find further information about the Academy Day on the website of the Union of Academies

Please feel free to come by, we look forward to exchanging ideas with you!